Sold Original artwork in alcohol ink
On this page you will find sold original artwork in the series ’You can’t see the wood for the trees’. It’s a series of paintings by Swedish artist Sara M. Pettersson in mixed media – alcohol ink and marker on canvas and on paper. Click on artwork for more details.
Did you miss it?
Did you just miss out on that one painting that would have looked just right in your living room or in your office space? Don’t worry. You can commission a unique piece from Sara M. Pettersson for your space. While the artist retains creative freedom in the piece you can specify the format and influence the colour schemes to make it your own.
You can't see the woods for the trees...or can you...
Welcome to my new series of paintings. The inspiration for this series comes from a feeling that the world is in a dark place right now but that there is always beauty underneath. You just have to look hard enough.
I’m always inspired by nature. It just came to me to focus on trees and all the green nuances that exists in nature for this series in acrylics and alcohol ink on paper.
So we got the very top of the trees, the treelines and the canopys, that are more ethereal and fluent. When we go behind and underneath the canopy it’s a bit darker. The sun can’t penetrate as much, but there’s still light, magic and beauty there. Then, on the forest floor, you got the grasses striving upwards and growing ever stronger.
This is my exploration of what is hidden beneath. I welcome you to view the enitre series and hopefully you will enjoy it.
Love /Sara