Series: Papilio – Sold artwork

Sold artworks in the 'Papilio' series by Sara M. Pettersson


Sevenia pechueli


Callophrys rubi 3


Siona lineata


Phengaris arion

About the series 'Papilio'

’Papilio’ is an on-going series with new pieces being added as soon as they are ready. 

This series of paintings is inspired by butterflies in flight, hence the title ’Papilio’ from Papilionidae, the latin name for a large family of butterflies.  

’Papilio’ is Sara M. Pettersson’s first series with alcohol ink and marker on canvas and in larger formats, but the series also contains artwork with alcohol ink on paper. 

The series of artwork was first displayed publicly at Sara M. Pettersson’s solo exhibition at Galleri Hind in Stockholm, Sweden, in February 2022.